A 2x6 Foot Outdoor LED Sign: Helping a Non Profit Connect with the Community

For community-focused organizations like the American Legion, the introduction of compact yet potent LED signs has revolutionized the way they connect with locals. Positioned prominently on the curb, their 2x6 foot monument LED sign serves as a beacon of information, shining a light on upcoming events and initiatives, from opening hours to the much-anticipated monthly fish fry and boat ride schedules. This digital billboard for non-profits is not just a sign; it's a rallying point for community engagement and support.

Two Video Variations Highlight Sign's Versatility:

Version 2  All-in-One Video: Takes advantage of the LED sign's capabilities to offer an expanded view, breaking down each piece of information into three slides for a more in-depth look at the American Legion's offerings.

Version 2


Version 1 Detailed Breakdown Video: Demonstrates the sign's capability to succinctly present varied information in single slides, ensuring quick, comprehensive community updates.

Version 1

This shift from a labor intensive changeable letter marquee signs to an LED display not only streamlines the process of updating community announcements but also ensures that every passerby receives the latest news in the most engaging way possible.

    Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon
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