Refurbishing A Monument Sign With a Digital Display in North Brunswick Township, NJ
Installation Details
We are initiating a project for the installation of an LED video sign in North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902. This effort involves:
- Permit Acquisition: Securing necessary installation permits.
- Frame Fabrication: Crafting a frame to support the sign considering environmental factors.
- Installation and Power Connection: Ensuring the sign is securely mounted, connected, and operational.
Site Image
Proposed Solution
We are providing the business with a 6x7 LED sign. It offers a balance between visibility and compactness, providing clear and concise messaging to the community.

Display Diagram
- LED Sign
- 6.3 feet X 7.4 feet
Double Sided
- 36.3 AMPS@110V or 18.1 AMPS@220V / Side
- 420 pounds / side